105 Schneider Road, Kanata, ON, K2J 1Y2 Monday - Saturday 09:00 AM-8:00 PM +1 (613) 501 9501


We provide Mindfullness, NLP, EFT, Hypnotherapy,
Life Coaching and Yoga

What is mindfulness?

Through regular, simple meditation practices, we can steadily build deeper awareness of how we use our time, energies and inner resources.

Ironically, by slowing down and noticing more of our experience, we can increase our efficiency and creativity.

By being more in tune with our moment-by-moment experience, we enhance our capacity to recognise unhelpful thought patterns, relate differently to endless mental chatter. Through mindful self-awareness, we can soften harsh inner rhetoric – be kinder to ourselves – and choose more skilful behaviour.

It's been said that if you practice meditation and mindfulness with any degree of seriousness it will change you, and fundamentally change how you understand yourself and experience the world.

What are the benefits of mindfulness?

People who've done mindfulness training say that they:

  • are able to live life more fully
  • can handle their thoughts, moods and emotions with greater ease
  • are better able to relax
  • experience greater self-confidence, are less self-critical
  • have learned to manage stressful situations more effectively
  • feel more connection with themselves, more self-aware
  • experience enhanced relationships with others
  • can respond creatively to unhelpful patterns: habits of thought and behaviour
  • have more focus, improved concentration, greater sense of purpose
  • are better able to manage chronic illness and pain
  • are more in touch with their creativity
  • have more energy and enthusiasm
  • experience greater cognitive effectiveness, enhanced working memory
  • are kinder, less judgemental, towards themselves and of others
  • are more in touch with their values, what is most important to them in life
  • have enhanced decision-making capacity

In general, people tend to feel able to feel more at ease, less stressed, and better able to make skilful choices: more able to respond, rather than react.

How does mindfulness work?

Through engaging in systematic training and simple, regular meditation practices you can bring the effects into daily living. Once learned and assimilated, the skills are with you for the rest of your life.

However, mindfulness is not a 'quick fix' any more than therapy or counselling. It requires commitment and time.

Who is mindfulness for?

Anyone willing to apply themselves consistently can benefit from simple practices that deepen their effectiveness through sustained daily application. Whether you have previous meditation experience isn’t important.

Mindfulness training is increasingly applied to specific situations, such as the management of anxiety, depression, chronic pain and illness, stress and addictive behaviours. The benefits of mindfulness are, however, more far-reaching and profound: enabling us to be more in touch with ourselves, with our potential to live rich and fulfilling lives – more open to new possibilities.

Mindfulness has been taught over the past forty years with great effect in schools, corporate contexts, the judicial system and governmental organisations.

I hope you now have a sense of whether you might benefit from mindfulness. If you are ready to explore mindfulness first-hand and see how it might become part of your life


NLP uses perceptual, behavioral, and communication techniques to make people to change their thoughts and actions. NLP can be used in different contexts: - In psychotherapy, In business, In teaching, In fitness and sports, In health practices, In spiritual growth, In politics, In Child-Rearing, In law, In creative endeavors, In hobbies and also to treat fears and phobias, anxiety, poor self-esteem, stress, post-traumatic stress disorder, and overall reduced quality of life due to various psychological issues.

Why do we take NLP training

Be a powerful and inspiring communicator, Be skilled at reading non-verbal cues, Increase subconscious and sensory awareness, master and be in control of your thinking and emotions, alleviate fears and phobias, motivate and empower, develop depth in personal and business relationships, attain success and achievement, rectify unwanted behaviors in yourself and others, effectively communicate and get information from others.


Hypnotherapy is a form of therapy used to reprogram the subconscious mind. Hypnotherapy making people more susceptible to suggestions for self-improvement or behavior modification. Hypnotherapy can be used to treat anxiety, phobias, substance abuse including tobacco, sexual dysfunction, undesirable spontaneous behaviors, and bad habits. Hypnotherapy helping people quit smoking or reduce overeating by focusing their minds and suggesting healthier behavior. It can be used to help improve sleep, learning disorders, communication, and relationship issues. Diving deep into the subconscious mind to uncover and treat the root causes of mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, PTSD, Hypnotherapy can aid in